You can connect your Go backend to Chrome DevTools using Subtrace so that you can can inspect the status, headers, payload, and latency of all requests. It takes just one command to integrate Subtrace.

For this guide, we’ll use the following Go app as an example:

package main

import (

type server struct{}

func (s *server) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  fmt.Fprintf(w, "hello from golang!\n")

func main() {
  fmt.Printf("listening on port 8080...\n")
  if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", new(server)); err != nil {

First, download the latest version of Subtrace using the following command:

curl -fsSLO "$(uname -s)/$(uname -m)/subtrace"
chmod +x ./subtrace

And get a SUBTRACE_TOKEN from the Subtrace dashboard for free to set it as an environment variable.

# get a token for free at

Build the main binary using the following commands:

go mod init
go mod tidy
go build -o main main.go

And start your server using Subtrace:

./subtrace run -- ./main

Send some requests to localhost:8080 to see them automatically appear in Chrome DevTools in the Subtrace dashboard!