You can configure Subtrace to tag requests to categorize and search faster when you’re dealing with large request volumes. For instance, if you have a microservice architecture, it’s useful to tag each request by the service name so that you can filter requests by service later. Here’s an example config:

  service_name: payments-api
  deploy_env: prod
  has_gpu: false

Use the --config command line flag to pass the config file to Subtrace:

./subtrace run --config=/path/to/subtrace.yaml -- node app.js

Default Tags

Subtrace automatically populates requests with the following set of default set of tags based on the information it can gather about the environment:

  • hostname

The following default tags may be relevant if you’re on Google Cloud:

  • gcp_project
  • gke_cluster_location
  • gke_cluster_name
  • gke_node_name