Once you’ve installed Subtrace and you’ve signed in to the dashboard, you can view all the requests flowing through your app.

Often you’ll want to narrow down the set of requests to a particular time range. You can do this by using the request graph at the top of the page. In the graph, time flows from left to right. Every blue bar represents a certain interval of time (indicated by the granularity setting just below the graph), and its height indicates the relative number of requests that were traced during that interval.

Selecting a time range

You can drag/pan across the graph to select the interval you’re interested in:

Notice that the DevTools pane below reacts to the time ranges changing.

You can also interact with this graph in other ways. For example, by selecting a range and clicking on “zoom”, you can see the same data at a finer granularity. By clicking on a blue bar, you can zoom in on just that interval:

See here if you’re looking to filter requests based on properties other than their timestamp.